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Welcome To... From Beach To Black Hole

Welcome to this website, created in celebration of the publication of "From Beach to Black Hole” book, to share the passion for ocean conservation, space exploration, and innovative technology with like-minded friends like you.

Amazing Underwater World

Awesome Colorful Corals

About the Book

From Beach to Black Hole” is an inspiring and adventurous sci-fi children’s book that follows the journey of Owen, a young and passionate ocean lover, and his playful dolphin friend, Lyle. When Owen discovers the devastating effects of plastic pollution on marine life, he teams up with Dr. Nova, a brilliant NASA scientist, and Oceanbot, a high-tech AI robot, to find a solution. This beautifully illustrated book captures the excitement of space exploration and innovative technology while emphasizing the importance of environmental conservation and teamwork. Perfect for children aged 6-12, “From Beach to Black Hole” is designed to inspire young readers to take action in protecting our planet. To further the impact of the book and contribute to real-world solutions, the sales of the book will be donated to Ocean Cleanup, Ocean Conservancy and STEM-related non-profit organizations. Spread the word and join us on this exciting journey!

About the Author

Hi, I’m Owen Cao, a rising 6th grader from Northern Virginia. Ever since I read about the harmful effects of plastic pollution on marine life, I’ve been determined to make a difference. In 4th grade, a heartbreaking news about dozens of dolphins died due to plastic pollution struck me, which led me to choose this critical issue for my 5th-grade exhibition project. I didn’t stop there. I participated in the LEGO FLL robotics competition, and for the innovation project, I led my team to present the innovative “Pollution Solution” idea to the judges. This summer, I took my passion to the next level by publishing my first book, “From Beach to Black Hole,” which incorporates the same idea. I’m slowly working on adding fun facts and educational content to this website, so stay tuned and come back for more. In my spare time, I enjoy swimming, reading, writing, coding, and working on robotics projects. I look forward to making friends with you!


What Really Inspired Me?

Back in 5th grade when I was looking for a good video for my exhibition research project, my mentor sent me a video that caught my eye and hooked my heart. It was perfect for me; it was cartoonish, there’s no nonsense, just facts, and it was true. This video showed the Ocean Cleanup trying their best, and giving it a full effort to clean up the fatal Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This video struck the insides of my heart as I saw the efforts of the Ocean Cleanup against the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and I then, in that moment of time, I decided that I wanted to do the same. I worked diligently and tirelessly on my exhibition project, perfectioning it to the best I could make it. Here is the video that I watched, and I hope that it will give you the same determination it gave me.

Our Gallery

Fun Facts
But some are sad

01Plastic Pollution

Every minute, the equivalent of a garbage truck full of plastic waste is dumped into the ocean. If current trends continue, by 2050, there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish by weight.


The "Waste Shark" is a robot that looks like a giant vacuum cleaner for the water. It swims around and picks up floating waste, helping to keep waterways clean and safe for sea creatures.


The vaquita is the most endangered mammal in the world. With fewer as 10 left, the species will become extinct without a fully enforced rule to protect them.

04Colorful Fishes

Fangtooth yellowtail banded killifish seamoth triplefin blenny fangtooth yellowtail banded killifish seamoth triplefin blenny

Our Gallery

Marine Life

Coming Soon!

I am slowly working to improve this website, so stay tuned for more fun facts and other awesome pages in the future!

Other Websites Made By Me

I have made 1 website apart from this! It is called and is a basic gaming platform. I hope you will enjoy it!